Electoral Literacy Club1. About us: Electoral Literacy Club (ELC), P.N. Das College, was set up, in accordance with ECI guidelines, in the college to promote electoral literacy in all age groups of the Indian citizens, especially, students of the institution, through engaging and interesting activities and hands-on experience but in an apolitical, neutral and non-partisan manner. The institutional Electoral Literacy Club was also set up with the specific objective of targeting the new voters, (in the age-group of 18-21 years old) pursuing their graduation. All the regular students of the institution are members of the club. 2. Objectives: The objectives of the ELC, as stated in the ECI guidelines, and keeping the needs at the institutional and local levels in mind, are:
3. Membership: The club will have all regular students as its members. 4. Structure: The ELC will be coordinated by two Nodal Officers, who are also teachers of the Political Science department. They shall also act as Mentors of the ELC. Teachers with experience of election duty will be preferred for the post(s) of Nodal Officer(s). All students of the college will be ordinary members of the club. The Nodal Officers shall focus on:
Nodal Officer will be free to engage the Executive Committee Members in the operations of the ELC. 5. Executive Committee: However, the Executive Committee shall include, apart from the Co-ordinators, at least three other teachers, and at least four students representing all the semesters. The First Executive Committee shall be nominated by the Principal, in consultation with the Governing Body, for a period of one year, subsequent to which all teacher-members shall be nominated by the Principal, and student members elected by the respective classes, for a period of one year, after which students shall elect the student members of the Executive Committee. The club would be run by an elected body from amongst the ELC member students with elected representatives from each of the classes. The committee members can only be students who are already enrolled as voters. The committee must not include any politically active student. However, students with political affiliations may enroll themselves as common members of the ELC itself. The elected representatives shall constitute the Executive Committee of the ELC. The elected representatives will elect one of the representatives as its Chairman and another as Vice Chairman. The Executive Committee, under the guidance, consultation and supervision of the Nodal Officer will be responsible for organizing the activities of the ELC. The elected body shall endeavour to generate the culture of electoral participation amongst the ELC members and will have the following role: 6. Activities: An Annual Calendar of activities shall be prepared by the Executive Committee, at the beginning of each session, in tune with ECI guidelines and instructions, if any, of the DEO, North 24 Parganas.